Saturday, December 20, 2008

Tada...A Dollhouse!

I love putting things together.  I know, I'm a bit weird.  When I was younger I remember taking things apart to see how they worked and then I would put them back together again.  This was my "fun".  Whenever someone needs something installed or put together, I get the call.  Last week I installed a new thermostat for my mom and today I put together the dollhouse that Grandma Cheri bought Libby and London for Christmas.  

My mom did a lot of hard work!  She opened all the furniture boxes and was so excited at all the fun things in there.  

The finished product!


Christensen family said...

I want one of those! You are fabulous... So did you get your tiles put together? I am dying to know how it went!

The Peay Family said...

Way to go Kim! You are the Woman of the Year!!!

agarrett said...

Kim, You're always good at figuring things out.

Unknown said...

Way to go! Every time I try to put stuff together, I start speaking another language. The four letter kind.