Saturday, May 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom!

Ok, so I know this post is a little late!  Better late then never, right?  We celebrated my mom's birthday on April 22nd.  We had a pizza party and had most of the extended family there to celebrate with her. We had a lot of fun and I think she did too!  

In honor of her birthday, I was going to write 50 something things I love about my for every year, but she might get mad if I tell everyone how old she is, so I'm sticking with 22 things we love about my mom, since she was born on the 22nd. :)

1.  Your Testimony
2.  Your example
3.  Your sense of humor
4.  The respect you have for us
5.  Your Faith
6.  Your Support
7.  Your love for navy blue shoes :)
8.  Your love for extended family
9.  The neighborhood you raised us in
10.  Strawberry Days
11.  Your love for your parents
12.  Your love for the Savior
13.  Your wisdom
14.  Your service
15.  Your ability to play the piano
16.  Being a cheerleader at our softball games, even if it's -10 degrees
17.  Your giving heart
18.  Your love for your neighbors
19.  Your ability to raise us as a single mom
20.  Your phone calls
21.  That you always have Diet Coke in your fridge
22.  Your unconditional love

We love you mom!

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